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(Pt 1) How to build a great relationship with a Mystery Shopping | Secret Shopper | Company

If you are reading this Blog, then I guess you are looking for tips on how to maximise your opportunities as a Mystery Shopper.

Most of what I am going to discuss here is simply common sense; however, I will also go into some of the reasons behind what I am saying, from a Mystery Shopping companies point of view.

Please note all Mystery Shopping companies are different and may not hold these views, I do not speak for other companies here.

Plants growing in a pot

Ok step one, the initial application, this is very important. Be aware; the Mystery Shopping / Secret Shopper company does not know you; they are not aware of your special skills or qualifications; what they know about you is what you write in your application.

Before even starting to complete an application to become a Mystery Shopper (unless you have a current ABN number), go to the Australian Tax Office website and print the form called Statement by supplier. This is a link to this form. ATO Statement by Supplier form link

In most cases, you will need to complete the form in full and sign it. Then you will need to scan or photograph the form and attach it to your application. If this is not done, then there is every chance your application will be declined, and you will have wasted your time filling out your initial application.

This may sound harsh, but it is a legal requirement.

Secret Shopper walking in a shopping centre

In most cases you will also be required to provide some photo ID attached to your application, this can be any current legally recognised form of photo ID, like a driver’s licence, proof of age card or copy of a passport etc.

It is a good idea to have these documents prepared before starting your application.

OK, here is the first tip, if you are concerned about how your personal details will be handled, you should read the companies privacy policy in full before doing anything.

You should also take some time to do some research into the Mystery Shopping companies you intend to apply for work with. There are plenty of ways to check out Mystery Shopping companies online; please let us know if you would like us to do a Blog on some of these ways to check out Mystery Shopping companies before you apply.

As a side note here, and this does happen, it is not a great idea to email the Mystery Shopping company and say something like, ‘Hi, I was just about to put in an application to work with you and just wanted to check you are not a scam.” This is not a great way to start a good working relationship.

The point I am trying to get across here is that if you are unsure about a Mystery Shopping company and cannot verify its legitimacy, do not apply. Please let us know if you would like us to do a Blog on legitimate Mystery Shopping companies.

Secret Shopper on an escalator

I cannot stress enough how important it is to complete your initial application to the best of your ability; it is vital if you want to be successful.

For the purposes of this exercise, let’s say you have now submitted your application and have applied for and been accepted for your first assignment.

Generally, this assignment will be sent to your online portal and will have a number of instructions attached regarding what you should do going forward.

As a new Mystery Shopper, it is important to read and follow these instructions in full, as you go forward you will become more familiar with how different Mystery Shopping companies work, and this process will take far less time to complete.

Secret Shopper holding shopping bags

Ok here is tip two, many new Mystery Shoppers crack here, they may have spent an hour or more completing their application, they then apply for their first assignment and are faced with further instructions etc. at this stage some do decline their first assignment, stating this is all too hard for the amount being paid. If you do this, you are highly likely never to be offered work again.

As you become more experienced working with a Mystery Shopping company, it will take far less time to complete the instruction stage of the assignment, as instructions rarely change, and if they do, generally you will be notified.

My general point here is that most Mystery Shopping companies will give you your first assignment, however, no matter how good your application is, if you do not read and follow the instructions provided, and produce an unusable assignment survey, it is unlikely you will be offered further work.

Make sure you absolutely nail your first survey.

Secret Shopper in a clothing store

OK, tip three, when a Mystery Shopping company receives your first survey for review, it will be sent to a Validator. Validators are generally highly skilled proof-readers, whose job is to check your spelling, grammar and that you have followed the assignment brief correctly, and that you have provided a usable survey.

If the Validator is completely happy with your survey, then you should receive a short email outlining the score given and thanking you for your participation.

If the Validator is not completely happy with your survey and has any questions, you may receive a phone call, or the survey may be returned to your portal with some notes attached. If this is the case, follow the instructions and then re-submit the survey.

Secret Shopper in a food store

The best way to quickly build a good relationship with a Mystery Shopping company is to produce well balanced, accurate, spelling and grammar checked surveys, that are ready after a quick read through from a Validator to be returned to the client.

To give you every chance of succeeding as a Mystery Shopper I am going to write a second part to this Blog, explaining some further tips on, ‘How to build a great relationship with a Mystery Shopping | Secret Shopper | Company.’ Stay tuned.

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